

Want Betfair Trading Success? Stop The Damaging Habits Immediately!

It has been said that as humans we are creatures of habit, and that is true, but not all habits are leading you down a path you want to go down. And that is especially true where trading Betfair is concerned; unless of course you are not interested in succeeding in your trading activities, and if that is true, then please stop reading now.

You see, most people are damn lazy. Yup, you heard that right. Most people would rather not go to work, they would rather everything handed to them on a plate so that they can do the ‘enjoyable’ things in life without getting their hands dirty.

The problem with this mentality, is that it is so far from the natural order of the world that many people who ‘want’ to succeed without putting the required effort in, are becoming seriously deluded, and frankly, living in cloud cuckoo land.

Your must change your damaging habits to succeed

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betfair course leadership

Betfair Trading Courses – We Are Leading The Field, So It Seems

As I mentioned in my last post on this blog, the success of our Betfair Trading Course took me a little bit by surprise really, not because I didn’t believe my strategies, and methodologies worked – I know they do, and so do very many others via the course teachings, but the surprise came at just how lethargic the other courses were on the subject of Betfair.

I had not really looked at any other courses as I believe in making my own way, making my own mistakes in life, and not buying into the hype of a subject (especially with the internet becoming a seemingly ever-increasing factor on choice).

The Betfair Niche Was Seriously Lacking in REAL Instruction.

But when you consider that the topic of sports trading, or to cut that down further: Betfair trading, which has become so popular in recent years, you would really have thought that there would have been some substantial products already in the market, teaching people how to really trade – but that wasn’t really the case.

Sure, there were a few products, and courses out there, but none that anybody would, or could consider had the ‘wow’ factor, or that consumers of such courses were raving about based on profits generated from anything they had learned. This is why I knew my own Betfair course would become popular, fairly quickly – and that is exactly how it turned out. Read More

12 Month Betfair Course

12 Month Betfair Course Recap. Free Video, and More

Free Betfair Course Member-Only Video Below

Now our Betfair Trading Course has been launched for a little over 12 months, we just wanted to show you a members-only video, where we have detailed exactly what has taken place over the last 12 frantic months; in which time, our course has become the most popular trading course online.

It has been a quite extraordinary 12 months for us, and it has also been absolutely fantastic to see so very many members go from budding traders – some of them had never even traded before – into fully-fledged traders making a consistent profit on a regular basis.

The following video will detail that journey, so that you can also appreciate just what this Betfair Course has grown into, and how many people we have helped to achieve their potential. Read More

Free Horse Racing Tips

My Free Horse Racing Tips, Our Beta Tester Results

Free Horse Racing Tips for Course Members – Video Proof Below

On the last post on this blog back in November, I mentioned that I had made a £1660 profit in a single day based on my own horse racing tipster selections. Subsequently, I actually received a lot of emails from readers asking if it was possible for me to provide them with the selections.

But anyway, as I said, based on the post mentioned at the top of this article,  I had a fair few people email me about the daily selections I make, and I have only chosen members for this beta test, because my of what we provide will only be offered to our members, and that’s the way we like to move forward – by helping our own members turn a profit from whatever strategies or trading opportunities we come up with. Read More

Betfair Trader Journey

Gambling Debts to Millionaire. The Journey of a Betfair Trader

Since the launch of our Betfair Scalping, and trading Course, many people have asked me – as the course creator – where I started in this game, and how I became a trader on the Betfair exchanges. Therefore to give you an idea about my journey, I thought it would be useful to fill in a few blanks.

Now this piece of writing started out as an outline, but it actually turned into quite a long write up, and as such, a few people have asked if I would turn it into an e-book, as they enjoyed reading it, and wanted to save it; so I have done so, and this can be downloaded from here:

(Click the image below, then click the download button to save it to your device.)


Or you can just carry on reading right here…

I am a direct kind of guy, always have been, and I have been told by those who have already read these pages (and have seen my course), that it is actually refreshing to hear from somebody who has made a few quid, but who is also not up their own backsides.

The aim of this write-up:

OK……the main aim of this writing is to show you how somebody with no particular skills, went from living in one of the roughest areas in the UK, to becoming financially independent, with a 7 figure net worth (a million pounds + in layman’s terms) by the age of 36 years old – and also went on to become a professional Betfair trader to take advantage of tax-free profits that I could invest in other areas…

I am actually a genuine millionaire – which I’ve achieved more than once (not as big a deal as you might think…..seriously, it isn’t), in fact, and what I am about to explain, is that when you cut all the bullshit from your life, and when you stop playing such ridiculous games with your time, how you might…..just might, give yourself the best chance at succeeding. Read More

£1660 Betfair System Image

Betfair trading systems. £1660 profit to £100 level stakes

It never ceases to amaze me how so many people buy into Betfair and gambling systems thinking they are actually going to work, but we have all been guilty of it at one time or another, many just don’t admit to it.

I have on my computer a file containing just about every conceivable gambling system that has ever been written. Honestly, it must be about 5 GB’s in size, and most of them are absolute crap, but they sound good when marketing them, and the gullible are always on the lookout for the next ‘big thing’, or that genuine ‘Holy Grail’ they have been searching for over the last 20 years.

Now I know people who have literally lost their shirts through gambling, and I also know people who have made a bundle, paid their debts off, and live comfortably through gambling, and there is a common theme amongst those who make their gambling, or trading pay. They test far more than the average Joe, and the results always show this. Read More

Welcome to the Betfair Scalping Blog

Welcome to The Betfair Scalping and Trading Blog

Dear readers,

This is just a quick post, to say that we have added an actual blog section to the website now. It is looking a little sparse at the moment as we have literally only put it up today.

Originally as you may or may not know, the original Betfair Scalping website was just a landing page, but as the course, and products we offer have grown in popularity, we thought it was time we added the blog so that we can add articles, reviews, and some content that we feel our readers, and members will find useful.

Yes, We Have A New Scalping Blog

We are not unfamiliar to the blogging world, but we have not thought is really necessary to add such a section previously, although as already mentioned, as there are so many people reading the website now, and asking for details of the Betfair Scalping Course, we thought it would be interesting to add some additional content.

Like I say, the blog side of things is a relatively new feature, and we are not sure how much it will grow.

Ironically, we have been playing with a landing page plugin for the last week or so, which has more bugs in it than an Amazon rain forest, but we will see how it goes, although the membership area for the course is a totally different area and is extremely fine tuned for performance 🙂

What was annoying is that on the new ‘How It Works’ page, we tediously spent 3 hours yesterday carefully adding around 100+ testimonials to the page, only to find that it only saved about 20 of them, and if you have never had the (dis) pleasure of building a website/blog template only to see it vanish into thin air, thus wasting whole chunks of your time in the process because the plugin failed to save the work, then take it from me, it is no fun!

Note: We do close the Scalping Course periodically

Just so you know, we very much value our time more than sales of the course, so we do close the course down from time to time.

The reason being is because we are already satisfied with the amount of members we have, so as an increased membership requires more support, we balance this with our value on free time, so if you do want to learn how to profit this way, then you are best advised to get in now before we close the course and move onto new projects.

As mentioned on the ‘How it works’ page, we have over 2,000+ members on the course now, so we have enough, and existing members will also gain access to any new products we launch

We will speak to you soon, and in the meantime, make sure you checkout how our course works, and we look forward to chatting in the members area!



Stuart, Robert & Pete