
Betfair making £1000 per week image

£1,000 Profit Per Week Trading on Betfair. Possible?

Very often I will get asked the same questions regarding trading on Betfair, and this usually goes down the lines of: “How much money can I make trading on Betfair?”, and this question is usually followed by a certain ‘numbers’. £1,000 per week profit is definitely a number that gets mentioned often.

Of course, if somebody can do something in this life, then it can usually be replicated by others – if you are following the same thought-patterns, and using the same strategies as the person who achieved it in the first place.

In the members area of my course: The Betfair Trading Course, I have member feedback pages which are inundated with profit examples sent in from members, and what they are achieving. Of course this will depend on the stage of their own trading journey, and the effort applied – as success in any field, especially trading Betfair, is always relative to how much application is pressed against learning the subject.

A Member Making £100 Per Day from Betfair.

On this very blog a while ago, I shown how one of my members was making £100 profit per day trading Betfair, and very many members have done this now. – many have now gone full-time. What I find is (and this is after the course having been running for over 7 years now, and in that time I must have received tens of thousands of email communications with members), is that those who progress the most; learn the most, are the members who take their time to really digest the content, and the learning materials they have invested in.

…It makes sense, right?

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How To Keep Warm Whilst Betfair Trading – Cost of Living Increases

We all know that the cost of living has gone up exponentially in the United Kingdom, and whilst this whole website is about trading on Betfair, there are just some tips and tricks that are too good not to share; and although this might seem a strange post on a trading blog/website, if it helps you to save money in the current energy crisis, then all good…

You all know me by now, no matter what the subject, I say it like it is…

Many of my members will know, that I used to be in the central heating ‘game’ in my younger days, so I have some insight into a few tips on ways to save on your energy bills – and although I might be worth a few quid these days, I still do not accept waste of any kind. The other issue is,  the chances of these energy increases coming down again in cost, are about as likely as a middle-aged man ever looking good in skinny jeans (fecking zero!)…

Little confidence in our so-called ‘leaders, to help…

Sure, the government are pretending to help with these silly little £200 (laughable) loans that need to be paid back over the 4 years, which won’t even make a dent anyway – and they are looking at other ‘cost of living increase’ support gimmicks. One of these ideas are to only MOT vehicles ever 2 years instead of one? I mean, what clown thought of that one? putting road user’s lives in danger to save £50 quid on an MOT? You couldn’t make this stuff up, could you?!

….Only the UK government would come out with such utter BS…., but frankly, all that has been suggested so far, is a pathetic attempt at ‘bait and switch’ tactics. Remember, higher cost of living via inflation, means higher tax revenues to HMRC – from the public – the same public that keep these parasites in a job!

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betfair exchange trading 2021

Betfair Exchange Trading into 2021 – Year End Summary

As we approach the end of another year of Betfair Exchange trading, we are of course reminded what a strange year 2020 has been. It all started so well, didn’t it? We were just getting into the year, and then around March time we were all made aware that there was this ‘virus-thingy’ being talked about in China, and with a handful of cases starting to sprout up in other countries.

I don’t think we really took it that serious to begin with, did we? In fact we booked a holiday in March, not thinking too much about it. Then as the weeks progressed it quickly became fairly obvious to anybody with half a brain-cell, that something serious was happening: Covid-19.

I remember reading about Tom Hanks and his wife catching Covid-19, and then Donald Trump closing all flights into the US, and everything kind of snowballed rapidly after that.

This year has potentially changed our future..

Football started to close up shop, as did other sports, and then eventually horse racing in the UK was cancelled due to there being no medical services present. Then we had the full UK lock-down when people (mostly) actually listened and stayed home.

Then of course we had Dominic Cummings and the stories of him not adhering to his own rules, and after that, I feel the UK just thought: “Well, if the people who created the rules are not even going to abide by them, why should we?!…” I personally feel Boris, our Prime Minister, lost a lot of respect from the British public when he didn’t sack that guy; but hey, nothing we can really do about it. Read More

Betfair Account Suspended? Or a Closed Account? Read This:

Over the last few months, I have been reading about many Betfair users having their accounts closed/suspended. But at the same time OUR Betfair Course members do not have their Betfair accounts closed.

Therefore, let me explain why our members are protected – and more importantly, HOW!

Betfair as a business are predominantly a digital operation, IE: They are an online business, and everything runs with data – and data costs money! No business worth their salt are going to allow ‘free-loaders’, and this is why many people are having issues with their Betfair accounts. This is not new, but with the explosion in sports trading over the last couple of years, there are now more and more disgruntled Betfair customers than ever before.

How does Betfair data cost them money? 

Well, think about it. All these websites you visit, even eBay, Twitter, Facebook and the likes have their websites hosted on servers, and servers are basically computers with a very large hard-drive capacity. So when you visit a website, or extract/read content from such a website, traffic (electricity, which we know is not free) flows through these servers in order to present the web-page on your computer, tablet, or phone; and this costs money to the end user – the website owners.

I actually have some personal experience with this, as I used to own a sizable hosting company many years ago; with multiple servers, and around 12,000+ websites – believe me, it costs money for data, so I get why more, and more companies are stopping the abuse – it is a real headache keeping on top of drive space and increasing costs!

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Betfair Exchange Trading

Betfair Exchange Course Update – 4 Years Since We Officially Launched BFScalper

This month, October 2020, marks the 4 year anniversary since we launched the Betfair Exchange Trading Course – BFScalper – and what a remarkable 4 years it has been.

Ironically, and thinking back, I probably regret naming the course: ‘BFScalper’, because the course encompasses an array of different pre-race trading methodologies – and not just ‘scalping’, but  I won’t be changing it now.

When I initially launched the course, had I known then what I know now, I wouldn’t quite have believed it, because although the course has grown exponentially since the early days, so has the member successes.

We now have many thousands of members on this Betfair Exchange Course.

You see, it’s easy to launch a product and claim it will do x, y and z for buyers, but the proof of the pudding is always in the eating… and this is where I have always placed the emphasis.

Facts matter… bullshit?… well, you can keep that on YouTube…

Don’t get me wrong, it has been damned hard work, and when you consider the course started with around 8 hours of HD training, and now has well over 40+ hours, it is easy to see how much work has gone into the materials for members; but there is no point pumping out endless video tutorials – if what is being taught does not work…. This is where we are different….

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Betfair Trading Strike Rates – How to Maintain Consistency

About 6 months after launching the Betfair trading course, it quickly came to my attention, that although I knew members were enjoying the course content, and progressing well, there was a common theme beginning to emerge, and it is this common theme that I just want to highlight on this post today.

What I began to realise, was that members who had been on the course at least a couple of months, began to send me emails, together with screenshots showing their profit and loss. Of course members sent such emails earlier on in their journey as well, which was great to see also. But, something was starting to happen, and I could see a pattern developing.

The type of emails I want to talk about here, and explain in some more details, are the ones that started to show a consistent 90%+ strike rate.

Is There a Right Way of Betfair Trading? I Wanted to Find Out.

As a trader myself, I had always been in the high 90% strike rates when I trade, but what I didn’t know at the early stage of the course creation, was whether the teachings would ‘migrate’ enough for members to replicate these type of statistics. It’s like if Wayne Rooney started a football academy, he obviously wouldn’t know how successful he would be in passing on the skills, that he himself had learned over the years. Read More

Betfair Course Member’s 48 Wins in a Row & 95% Success Rate

As the creator of our Betfair Trading Course, I am always humbled by the gratitude of members when they are emailing me to say thank you. Now I say humbled because it is true. I created the course so that the average person could learn how to trade, and trade without all the BS marketing that usually accompanies products in this genre.

Member’s 95% Success Rate and 48 Winning Trades on the Trot

Therefore, when the screenshots (showing profit and loss) are sent in by members I sometimes show these on the course iteself, which acts as inspiration for new members joining, as well as showing what is really possible when you knuckle down, take trading seriously, and take some positive action.

One such member sent me an email a couple of days ago, and I have discussed this already in the Member feedback section of the course, but for those reading this now, and who maybe looking at entering the world of Betfair trading, I think it will be interesting to show you the actual email from this particular member:

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Betfair Scalper Year End

Fake Reviews, Stolen Trading Content. Another Successful Year

As the year of 2018 comes to a gradual close, we all take a time out for some reflection.

It is of course at this time of year, that we start to sit back and look at what we may have achieved for the previous 11/12 months. Did you start that project you wanted to start? Did you hit your financial projections that you may have set this time last year?

We all pause for thought at certain stages of our life.

For our Betfair trading course, it really has been another great year; and in fact more members joined in the last 12 months, than the first 12 months.

All good, positive stuff.

Now when you launch a successful product, or in this case a trading course that many people are talking favourably about, this starts to generate some unwanted attention – which can be amusing sometimes, and it tells you a lot about human nature 🙂 Read More

Betfair Trading Secret

The Number. 1 Betfair Profit Secret Successful Traders Live By.

You all probably know by now that our Betfair Trading Course generates very good feedback, and that we make a point of showing such feedback as inspiration of exactly what can be achieved when trading the markets.

Not only that, but we also believe that reading and watching what other successful members are doing on the course helps new traders looking to enter the Betfair trading arena.

I also know that in this ‘sports trading’ niche, very many people are searching for the ‘magic ingredient’ that will change their fortunes, and change them from being a dreamer of profits, into an achiever of profits. People will continually search for this ‘secret’ of what actually makes other people a profit.

Let me tell you now, you have got it all wrong.

Is there a secret? Of course, will you find it? Lets find out…

But, I am about to tell you what the secret to successful Betfair trading is on this very page…

Read on to find out. It may not be what you hope to find, but in life, we don’t always get what we want. On the other hand, it might be EXACTLY what you are looking for. Read More


How To Make £100 a Day Trading on Betfair – With Proof – And a Warning!

Now it is not often that I claim the amount of money that can be made when trading on Betfair, because we are all at different levels, and learn differently, but I also believe that it provides good inspiration if potential members can actually see what is possible.

We have also made a conscious effort on the sales page to ensure that you are under no illusions as to the fact that sustained effort is needed during, and after your learning phase.

It is also human nature not to want to put any effort into something that you cannot see immediate gains for, and that is also true with trading.

Betfair trading for profit takes time

But, if you were to imagine for a second, that you had spent, say, 6 months learning how to trade, you didn’t rush your learning and really took it seriously; and at the end of that 6 month period you were now in a position of being able to extract regular profits from the Betfair betting exchanges.

Would you consider that to be time well spent? Read More